Zen Reflexology by Ana
For this Reflexologist, fall is just like the beginning of a new year – a new start with new routines, which leads to some anxiety and stress. Gone are the summer mini vacations & enjoying the longer sunny hot days. With September comes back to school, more cars on the road, a shift of attitude and a season where everyone’s schedule gets busier and taking time to “rebalance” is challenging.
But here is something to help deal with the apprehension, headaches, worries and stress – zen reflexology with essential oils.
For a limited time only, when you book your reflexology session with Ana Franolic, I will be offering the purest, highest quality essential oils that have wonderful properties. Each unique oil is specially distilled from plants that are grown wild or cultivated organically. No chemical fertilizers are added to the soil. The oil is applied to the “Vita Flex” points on the feet. This therapeutic grade oil will further enhance the reflexology benefits. This “Vita Flex Technique” means “Vitality through the reflexes”. It is a specialized technique that is exceptionally effective in delivering the benefits of essential oils throughout the body. It is based on a complete network of reflex points that stimulate all the internal body systems.
Essential oils have been used throughout history by ancient cultures & are known as “nature’s living energy”, containing unique constituents that provide results.
To get more info on this special when booking an appointment, call Ana Franolic Reflexology at 519-502-5354