My Reflexology was so relaxing, I felt rejuvenated afterwards. – AB
Thank you for the very unique experience! As I was driving back to work, I was reflecting on the treatment and was very aware how good I was feeling…clear, energized and very happy! – RW
My first session was very relaxing and she delivered exactly what I expected :):):) She has “angel’s hands” – ES
Really felt relaxed after, just what I need (a great stress reducer); really enjoyed that stretching technique. – NF
Awesome, atmosphere was great. – TV
That reflexology – totally felt like jello afterwards. It’s exactly what I needed. – LF
First exposure to reflexology, good pressure (thought it was going to be more aggressive). – DV
Reflexology – I just love how I feel during & after, that’s why I keep coming back. – MP
After my first Reiki session I was surprised I actually felt “grounded” and was more “aware” for the next few days. – MM
I really needed that to unwind. – MD
I enjoyed all the movements and motions of Therapeutic Touch. Absolutely sensed a flow of movements. – TF
Didn’t think anything was going on, until when I went back for a check-up and was told “boy you heal pretty fast”, so I thought I’d mention it to you (Ana). – RP
Feeling good! Everything was great!! Really enjoyed the music and atmosphere!!! I appreciated your professionalism – See you soon – TA
Additional reviews & recommendations found on LinkedIn or click kitchener reflexology